Tools Selection for Test Automation
Tool selection is important task for test team, in order to initiate the Automation process.
Certain aspects should keep in mind prior to select the appropriate tool for automation.
- Frequency of the changes made in the application
- Project environment
- Skill sets
It is essential to assess the tool as per your project requirement, skills level of people some tools work better in particular environments, while in another environments they can make a compatibility problem. Demonstrate the tool using your application under test.
Many QA engineers have the same opinion about test automation that programmatically creating an automated test takes in more time than the record and playback method. It’s also the first major decision that needs to be made when implementing test automation for a given project.
Our application is basically categorized in two different branches, desktop and Web. Desktop application is developed on Dot Net framework using devexpress controls.
Automating this genre of applications, the best and comprehensive way is “Record and Play” methodology of automation testing. As it would be quite difficult to get the element’s IDs or locators through which the elements are identified and controls are utilized. Hence via “Record and Play” methodology, we can easily record any desired steps derived from the Manual test cases, in automatic fashion.
In our environment we are using “Test complete” tool in order to automate the manual test steps. For every Build, in accordance to the predefined process, we need to verify the build for the sanity level test cases.
Here we call them “BVT” which is Build Verification test, which in turn comprises of the test cases for all the basic and fundamental functionality of the application. This is important to conceptualize the process of BVT and Build rejection criteria, where short deadlines with rigorous build iterations are going on.
Second time when Automation comes in picture in the STLC is at the time of regression testing.
By regression we mean that all the functional testing is executed and the entire functionality is covered during manual phase.
Regression testing includes:
- Basic and fundamental functionalities verification
- End-To-End testing
- System Testing
- Ad-Hoc testing
The first two points should be covered via Automation as it includes large number of repetitive test cases to be executed.
Regression testing should be done with both manual as well as Automation testing going in parallel. Once completed, the results are matched and based upon the current status, it would be easier to decide, whether to go for final release or not.
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