Our CSR Philosophy
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
“The organizational value system of An Inclusive World focuses on happiness, health and a life devoid of sorrow.”
This philosophy forms the baseline for Azilen in its pursuit of better tomorrow, with our humble contribution – Our प्रयास.
प्रयास is an initiative by Azilen to Serve the world. प्रयास encourages cohesive efforts towards contributing to Society and Nature.
Team प्रयास is always on its toes and goes above and beyond with this very sense of SERVICE. It aspires to lead NextGen by example.
3 Pillars of
A selfless act with pure intentions is the eternal beauty of the human being. Making someone smile by heart brings shine to our faces as well.
Substantial form of living just not focuses on physical health but also consists of the mental and social well-being of each individual.
Let’s nurture the nature around us by creating a sustainable ecosystem for NextGen by protecting the 5 elements of nature.
Swastha Jivanam
We are pleased to install water tanks at 2 schools to facilitate clean drinking water for all kids.
Hosting a volunteer blood donation camp at our premises was a tremendous joy. Each drop matters!
प्रयास strive to save rivers & preserve surrounding nature as there is no envision of a beautiful world without them.
The only way to express our gratitude towards our land is to take responsibility to safeguard it from damage.