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Azilen Technologies

Are You Among Them?

Product Owners
Product Owners
Screening Vendors
Education and
Training Institutes
Employers and
their HR Department
Job Boards and
Talent Marketplace

And Are You Facing These Challenges?

Azilen Technologies
Get Your Challenges Solved!

Velocity Network Integration as a Solution.

Azilen is committed to working closely with Velocity Foundation and its members to unlock NextGen credentialing infrastructure. With Velocity Network Integration, your workforce and ed-tech products get linked up with a blockchain network letting you seize verifiable credentials-led scaling opportunity.
Credential Agent Integration
Background Check Integration
Velocity Network Integration DevOps
Wallet Development With Velocity SDK

Azilen's Function as a Credential Agent.

As the designated Credential Agent for Velocity Network, we enroll you as a Tenant within the network and act on your behalf in managing disclosures from Holders and generating new credentials. Essentially, we take care of the backend and bridge your system and Velocity Network.
Azilen Technologies

Product Scaling Opportunity. Cracked!

Step into the future of digital identity verification with the power of verifiable credentials and SSL. Be the pioneer in leveraging this cutting-edge methodology to achieve product scale and growth, while delivering unparalleled trust and speed to your customers as unique value propositions.
product scaling

Velocity Background Check Integration Thriving Use Cases.

The Velocity Network Integration is a game-changer for the entire Human Capital Management Spectrum, revolutionizing academic and employment credential issuing and verification processes for different use cases with smart background check. Check out its most relevant use cases.
01. Disclose employment credentials to employers
Using holders’ application or Velocity Credential Wallet, candidates can share verifiable academic and employment credentials with employers that reflect in their system of records with tags such as ‘Verified’, ‘Failed’, or ‘Self-Reported’. Credential Agent takes care of all tedious backend processes.
How does it streamline the candidate journey?
  • Verifiable academic credentials sharing while applying for a job
  • Verifiable work experience sharing during pre-screening stage
  • Verifiable certificates and licenses sharing during assessment stage
  • Holder Application
  • Velocity Blockchain Network
  • Credential Agent
  • Employer’s System of Records
02. Issue employment credentials to employees
An employer as a credential issuer can issue the credentials of employees and share it with them who then can view it from their wallet. Here too, Credential Agent enables issuer’s system of records to link up with the Velocity Blockchain network and holders’ application for real-time data exchange.
How does it streamline HR operations
  • Issue work experience credentials to current and past employees
  • Issue awards certification credentials to current and past employees
  • Issue development courses credentials to current and past employees
  • Employer’s System of Records
  • Velocity Blockchain Network
  • Credential Agent
  • Holder Application

Lightning-fast Background Check. Rock-solid Experience.

Is your BGC lifecycle lengthy, expensive and complicated for even applicants? While incredibly contributing to Velocity’s India-bound operations, we have had multiple brainstorming sessions with several stakeholders on how & where we can add value by addressing core integration challenges.
Azilen Technologies

We Delivered, They Rejoiced!

Delivering Background Check Integration equipped with,
Accurate data sync
in real-time
High system