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Javascript Framework Essentials

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Advanced JavaScript programming (especially the complex handling of browser differences and complexity of client-side web programming), can often be very difficult and time-consuming to work with. To deal with these difficulties, a lot of JavaScript frameworks have been developed. We do not need to bother about doing our script support in mobile, tablet or desktop web browsers or not. All platforms’ browser compatibility & version issue will be managed/deal by js framework so we do not need to deal with low level of work so we can concentrate on business requirements.

Now a day Javascript Frameworks is must know skill for a web developer. SPA (Single Page Applications) and MVC (Model View Controller) based web application extensively using Javascript Frameworks to make compatible with all platforms.

So here I am sharing my own thoughts about preferable, famous and most knowable javascript frameworks like, jQuery, jQuery-UI, jQuery Mobile, KnockoutJs, Modernizr and Twitter’s Bootstrap. This will really helpful for beginners, who want to quickly start software product development for any platform.

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This library is very highly preferable, and the famous library. Many other famous libraries are built on top of the jQuery. So, this is the starting point and must knowable library for a web developer.

Few words from official jQuery which describe more about it.

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that work across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.


This library is built on top of the jQuery. If you want to add user rich control, then this library provides you great controls like a date picker, accordion, dialog and more.

jQuery Mobile

This library popular across major devices like Mobile, Tablet, desktop and more which support touch friendly UI framework. As a part of this library, It provides amazing controls to for great amazing touch experience with attractive graphics specially on Mobile and Tablet.

So, are you planning to build native applications for mobile and tablet, if yes, then this library “jQouery Mobile Framwork” will give a comfort zone to build with well-known platforms like PhoneGap & Worklight.


It supports rich and responsive spectacles and editor user interfaces with a clean fundamental data model. “KO” will be more easily assumed if you are having practice in MVVM apps, RUBY on Rails, ASP .NET MVC or other MV* technologies. Any time you have sections of the UI that update dynamically (e.g., changing depending on the user’s actions or when an external data source changes), KO can help you implement it more simply and maintainable.


This library help you out to detect does user’s browser is supporting HTML5 and CSS3 or not and you can write conditional JavaScript and CSS to handle each situation, whether a browser supports a feature or not.

Twitter’s Bootstrap

These days this is very popular framework among the developers, which works on all platforms. This framework is majorly using CSS to make web responsive on all platforms.

There are many other famous frameworks like Prototype,,, Ext Core, MooTools, Sencha touch, AngularJS, YUI (from yahoo) etc… list is very very big and no scope here to include. Above mentioned javascript frameworks are enough and essential for a web developer at primary and intermediate level.

I hope this article will help web developers to choose right javascript libraries from multi dozen frameworks for their web application.

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