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People and Passion are the two strong pillars, which drives the success for Azilen.
Our PEOPLE are not just our headcount, but our biggest assets and we believe in appreciating the smallest contributions, celebrating every small win, and building inspiring stories every day.
The PASSION, our people bring along is our very secret ingredient to all the prominent solutions we have brought on the table.
If you do not just want to be a # in an organization.

We are the


We are
Proudly Azilen.

Azilen World

Your inner spark is what catches our attention, and your passion is what make us invest in your dreams.

Naresh Prajapati​
CEO | Azilen Technologies​

Joyful Hearts, Healthy Minds.

Delivered with much-loved Azilen Wellness Initiatives.
Surya Kriya
Surya Kriya

Traditional and powerful yogic practice that involves a series of postures, breathing techniques, and meditative practices designed to harness and activate the sun’s energy within the body. We organized three batches so far, with over 60 participants in total.

Azi Prakrutik
Azi- प्राकृतिक

Encourage our team to cultivate healthy habits during the summer season with the help of Aloe vera for hydration and soothing skin irritations, Amla for its antioxidant properties & aid in digestion and Earthen pot that cools water naturally.

Breast Cancer Screening
Breast Cancer Screening

Sponsored a comprehensive screening for our women employees at the office using Thermalytix Technique. It aims at detecting early-stage malignancies. The screening process was completely touch-free, painless, and discreet, prioritizing comfort and privacy.

Health Checkup
Health Checkup Camp

In observance of World Health Day, we organized a Health Checkup Camp at our office. Comprehensive health assessments included: BMI, BP, Diabetes Screening, Eye Power Check-up, Physiotherapist Evaluation, and Doctor Consultation.

The World of Azilen.

Global Culture | Top-Notch Technologies | People First
The diverse team at Azilen signifies a celebration of vibrant cultures, traditions, festivities, and our motto of respect for all.
We believe that all work and no play make you a dull professional. Our office premises & monthly activities intertwined the culture of team spirit and healthy competition through sports. The generous appreciation, rewards & recognition, and transparency are what fuels the culture of excellence at Azilen.
Catch a glimpse of a few of the many activities we Azilinites get together for, and more...
Azilen World
Azilen World
Azilen World
Azilen World
Azilen World
Azilen World
Azilen World