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Cross platform app development company

Double the Impact, Half the Time: Our Cross Platform App Development Services for Faster Launches and Wider Reach.

Being a cross platform app development company, we use powerful technologies like React Native and Flutter to build amazing apps that feel native on iOS, Android, and any other mobile kingdom. This cutting-edge approach means super-fast development, lower costs, and a lightning-quick launch, all without compromising that platform-perfect look and feel.
Custom App
Engineer an app that perfectly aligns with your brand identity and target audience
API Development
and Integration
Seamless exchange of data that unlocks a world of possibilities
Build robust backend systems that can handle anything you throw at them
Select the most suitable framework that leads to product success

Custom App Development.

Forge a unified user experience across devices with the power of custom app development. We leverage advanced frameworks to craft singular codebases that magically transform into beautiful, platform-specific experiences for iOS, Android, and the Web.
Architecture Design
  • Designing scalable architectures
  • Ensuring cross-platform compatibility
  • Implementing design patterns
  • Planning for future growth
Development and Coding
  • Writing clean and maintainable code
  • Using modern frameworks and tools
  • Adhering to coding standards
  • Conducting code reviews
Integration with Third-Party Services
  • Integrating APIs and SDKs
  • Managing dependencies
  • Handling integration issues
  • Testing integrations thoroughly
Performance Optimization
  • Enhancing app performance
  • Conducting code reviews
  • Implementing caching mechanisms
  • Monitoring resource usage

API Development and Integration.

Establishing an API communication channel with a network of external services to facilitate the secure, standardized exchange of data, unlocking a multitude of possibilities.
API Design
  • Designing RESTful or GraphQL APIs
  • Documenting APIs
  • Using tools like Swagger
  • Planning for versioning
API Development
  • Implementing server-side logic
  • Using frameworks like Express.js
  • Ensuring performance and security
  • Handling error management
Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing OAuth or JWT
  • Securing API access
  • Managing user roles
  • Ensuring data protection
Monitoring and Maintenance
  • Setting up monitoring tools
  • Tracking API usage
  • Providing ongoing updates
  • Addressing issues promptly

Backend Development.

The user interface might be the first thing users see, but the true engine of your product lies beneath the surface. With our cross platform app development services, we craft a robust and scalable foundation that keeps your app running smoothly, securely, and efficiently across all platforms.
API Design and Development
  • Implement authentication and authorization
  • Design APIs for optimal performance and scalability
  • Integrate with third-party services and databases
  • Best practices for data serialization and versioning
Database Management and Security
  • Design and implement robust database solutions
  • Implement robust security measures
  • Optimize database queries
  • Automate data backups and disaster recovery
Scalability and Performance Optimization
  • Implement cloud-based solutions
  • Utilize caching mechanisms and load balancing
  • Leverage containerization technologies
  • Employ code optimization techniques
Offline Functionality and Data Synchronization
  • Access core functionalities even when offline
  • Implement local data storage mechanisms
  • Design efficient data synchronization strategies
  • Users control over data storage and synchronization settings

Technology Consulting.

Cross platform app development requires a strategic blend of technology and vision. At Azilen, our technology consulting goes beyond just code. We thoroughly understand your project goals, user needs, and market landscape to craft a winning app strategy.
Cross-Platform Framework Selection
  • Analyze app functionality and target audience
  • Evaluate development speed and performance needs
  • Recommend framework based on project requirements
  • Assess the long-term maintainability and community support of the framework
Product Architecture Design
  • Scalable and modular for smooth performance and growth
  • Clear separation of UI, logic, and data layers
  • Defined APIs for seamless data exchange
  • Robust security measures for user privacy & app protection
UI/UX Strategy and Design
  • User-centric UI/UX design
  • Conduct user research
  • Develop a style guide
  • Prototype your app
Technology Stack Recommendation
  • Recommend the most suitable tech stack
  • Consider factors like scalability, maintainability, cost-effectiveness, and security
  • Integrate the chosen tech stack seamlessly
  • Evaluate third-party libraries and plugins

Achieving Excellence Through the Synergy of Our Product Engineering Expertise and Cross Platform App Development Services.

Our Offerings:

  • Brainstorming Workshops: Team up for creative ideas
  • Strategic Analysis: Plan for success wisely
  • Mind-Maps: Connect thoughts visually
  • Innovation Landscape: Explore new ideas
  • Key Initial Visualizations: See concepts clearly
  • SWOTS: Know your project’s pros and cons
  • Competition Analysis and Comparative Study: Learn from others to excel

Our Offerings:

  • Mobile First & Responsive Approach: Design for mobile devices, adapt for all screens
  • Omnichannel Customer Experience: Seamlessly serve customers across all platforms
  • UI & Interaction Design: Create intuitive and engaging user interfaces
  • Wireframing & Interactive Prototyping: Blueprint and bring to life user experiences
  • Design Thinking: Solve problems with user-centric and innovative approaches
  • Information Architecture: Organize content for intuitive navigation and understanding

Our Offerings:

  • Front End Development: Craft user interfaces for seamless interactions
  • Backend Development: Build the behind-the-scenes logic of applications
  • Mobile Development: Create apps for smartphones and tablets
  • Cloud Engineering: Develop and manage applications on cloud platforms
  • Custom API integrations: Connect diverse apps through tailored interfaces
  • Continuous Product Enhancement: Regularly improve products for lasting value

Our Offerings:

  • Full Cycle Testing: Thoroughly assess software across its entire lifecycle
  • QA Consulting: Expert guidance for quality assurance strategies
  • QA Process Planning: Strategize and streamline quality assurance procedures
  • Domain-Driven Test Strategy: Tailor testing approaches to specific domains
  • Audit & Governance: Ensure compliance and standards through systematic review

Our Offerings:

  • DevOps Implementation Services: Integrate DevOps practices into your workflows
  • DevOps Consulting Services: Expert guidance for optimizing your DevOps approach
  • App Containerization: Package applications for consistent deployment
  • Infrastructures as a Code: Define infrastructure through code for agility and reproducibility
  • AWS and Azure DevOps Services: Leverage cloud platforms for efficient DevOps processes
Are you concerned about maintaining separate codebase?
Let's discuss your project goals.

Lean Agile Methodology for
Cross Platform App Development Services.

Process We Follow as Part of Our Cross Platform App Development Services.

Software product development services

Gaining the Upper Hand: Strategic Technologies for Long-Term Advantage.

Our cross platform app development services leverage the most advanced cross-platform frameworks to ensure your app functions flawlessly across all major operating systems, including iOS, Android, and beyond.

React Native
Google Cloud Platform

Our Cross Platform App Development Services Talent Solution and Its Value System

Our Team
Cross Platform
Value We Provide
  • Reduced TTM (Time-to-Market)
  • Business Alignment
  • Budget Management
  • Technology Alignment
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Parallel Engineering Capability
  • Data Security
Feeling overwhelmed by manual processes and infrastructure management headaches?

Sound Reasons to Place Your Confidence in us as a Cross Platform App Development Company.

Imagine the level of precision you can acquire if you have been doing the same work for over a decade! Well, we have been obsessed with a single job called 'product engineering' for over 14 years. During this journey, we have onboarded some of the sharpest minds and subject matter experts who collaboratively turn the boring job of coding into the epic job of engineering. What matters the most is their ambition of solving some of the most clogged-up enterprise workflows with the simplest solutions that demand nothing less than guts to go beyond the human spirit and think wild.

Product Engineering Since 2009

Product Engineering in DNA

Core Domain Understanding & SMEs

Robust IP and Data Security Mechanism

Delivers Nothing Less Than Excellence

Next-level Cross Platform App Development at Azilen with 15 Years of Engineering Excellence Legacy.

From the spark of an idea to the force of innovation and product engineering, that’s the glorious 15 years of engineering excellence! Back in 2009, it started with a vision, a belief in the power of solving complex engineering challenges. And it’s a vision that continues to guide us, pushing us to innovate, to constantly evolve, and to make a meaningful impact.

15 Years of Engineering Excellence

Engineering is not
enough. It's excellence
that matters.

Read our phenomenal growth story perfectly blended into our ongoing commitment to uplifting lives by solving complex engineering problems and delivering software products, powerful enough to compete and easy enough to be adopted and loved. Know our roots, our evolution, our celebration and our path ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Still have Questions?

Top FAQs Around Our Cross Platform App Development Services. 

Yes, cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter allow for a consistent user experience across different platforms while still allowing for platform-specific customizations. 

We use conditional coding and platform-specific APIs provided by the cross-platform frameworks to implement platform-specific features. 

We follow best practices for app security, including secure coding, data encryption, regular security audits, and using secure libraries and frameworks. 

Our process includes requirement analysis, UI/UX design, development, testing, deployment, and post-launch support. We follow agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and continuous improvement. 

We use state management libraries such as Redux, MobX, or Provider in React Native and Flutter to manage the app’s state consistently across platforms. 

Yes, we can integrate a wide range of third-party services and APIs into cross-platform apps, including payment gateways, social media logins, and analytics tools. 

Who All Are Benefited.

software product development services
Start-ups with a fresh and buzzing idea
To convert their concept into reality product
software product development services
Growing product owners
In transforming product according to the latest trends
software product development services
For market-constraint mature products
To scale development and engineering operations
Come Partner With Us
As a top cross platform app development company, our SDLC involves a number of subsets such as research, product conceptualizations, identifying and designing, selecting architecture, development strategy, product localization, customization, implementation and maintenance to design successful products.